Kelly the Cyber Killer


This is my new Kelly, the Cyber Killer, by ZC girls.  I repainted her and cut her hair.  I think I will be keeping her, and my 2.0 CY girl body for myself .  Will probably paint a head for the the CY girl body too.  😀  Then, I will have two “action” girls to keep the boys silent….  XD

and Of course….

My Newly repainted WAI:

His eyes don’t seem to be quite balanced… but anyway,…. can repaint him later if he complains (which he is not right now).  ;^^;

I think I am going to stop selling heads on ebay in 2009.  Still have some heads to be painted and hopefully they would all be sold before December 2008.   That’s basically my plan and will be “retiring” from ebay.   I am still be painting dolls and going after new 1/6 doll heads/bodies for my own little growing collection.  ^_^

Adrianna and the twins

Adrianna, Andrea’s little sister, is here.  She has Obitsu 23cm head on Obitsu 25 cm body.  She is very fashionable, as you can see, which is totally opposite to her older sister Andrea (see previous post).   She is also more … *cough* … naturally gifted (has big softbust body) so she likes to …. *cough*… show off.  She is a little lady, and likes to wear makeup, hold little pink purse, and wear pink outfits, and wear pink higheels, and talk about boys and pop stars, and so on ….. …. and she is just 15 years old.  Andrea is17, and next year she will be going off to college.   Still has no sign of their older sister, Ashley, yet…. who is so independent and rarely, RARELY, calls/comes home for a visit.    


The Twins:

I made two super cute girls with the two Midi heads that lay around and also utlitizes the two mohair wigs that …. nobody wants  T__T   ANyway, they came out great and I like them.  They have Volks Midi heads, Mohair wigs, and Obitsu 25cm bodies, and wearing Takara outfits. 






She is Andrea.  Teenage girl attending high school.   Second girl in her family.  Her older sister is Ashley, who disappeared suddenly because Mom (me… KY) wanted a makeover for her, but then couldn’t paint a good one, then Mom got angry about Ashley’s body whose knee fell out everytime…. then finally Ashley disappeared…. Mom promised to make another one using another head and another body…. XD  ANyway, …. Andrea has an older sister, Ashley, who is working and Andrea has a little sister, Adrianna, who is still in middle school, but Adrianna doesn’t have a body yet, because Mom hasn’t ordered the new 25cm bodies yet…. and so on …. and so on….


So… Andrea is still by herself and is still waiting to be united with her family. 

** For some reason, firefox doesn’t allow me to post new posts in the blog…. so have to use Explorer  😡 **




Here’s a new boy and I am still thinking about his name. 



Sorry had been vanished for a while …. ;^^;
Didn’t have any new dolls but I repainted Howard recently. 😀

He is more cute now, with an innocent-ish look at you. Young and pure and gentle. Just the perfect guy …. *dreaming eyes*

As for ebay auctions, I will have two heads up next week. 🙂


From April 11 Friday to April 20 Sunday.


Little Miss Trouble

Please meet Little Miss Trouble.


She used to be Little Mai.   She is spoiled by her mother,Mai (who happily moved to a new home about a year go) right from the beginning.   After her mom left,  KY  continued to spoil her like an ancient Japanese princess.  She even had a full facial makeover just to look more mature.  Getting bored again, she requested another makeoverand a name change.  Now she is Little Miss Trouble.  Hair was let down.  She is wearing Azone 23cm tee and a Takara school girl skirt.  She wants anything cute, so she steals Barbie’s purse.   She is making a 2-page Azone pure neemo’s outfit “must-have” list for KY.


She complains a lot about not able to sit down and to move arms and legs.     so…. another list for every single optional part for Pure Neemo body…..and every new release bodies  for her to try.


The morale of the story is:


New photos and some updates

Sunny and no strong wind = photo sessions for dolls!

Here’s some new photos for some dolls:


Ashley wearing Barbie outfit.  She has Neo-EB female body and the outfit looks better on her than on Coconut.

Brownie has been a punk girl for a while and I think it’s time for her to go back to school and get some studying.  She is not very happy but *shrugg shoulder* good for her.   I also made her change her hair.


Coconut!!  One of my fav girl.  I let down her hair, changed her outfits and she is looking good.  Tanned skin tone always looks nice wearing white.  😀


My Momoko Trio!


Kana — always nice to take photos of.


Twin Fairies — they have new Midi B bodies and they stopped being fairies now.  One became lolita girl and one became country girl.  big changes.  😯
032208-053.jpg 032208-062.jpg

Two “new” girls.  Actually they are the Volks eyehole 03 heads that I previously had.  They got bodies now and one is a Japanese ghost wearing Kimono and one is a gothic/lolita girl with red eyes.

032208-064.jpg032208-068.jpg032208-067.jpg032208-069.jpg032208-065.jpgThunder and Storm.  Now became models in NY city!!  Thunder is wearing Azone white T-shirt (for female) ,Azone white leather pant (also for female) and Volks WTG hat.  Storm is wearing Azone female Tee and Volks selfish pant (can’t find red leather pant) and Volks hat.  Looking stylish….  😀


Wai got a haircut (not very good… T_T)   but at least he can see clearly now (or I can see his face clearly now).


Wolf also has a haircut at front so I can see his eyes.  Just realized that he is actually very cute so I also changed his outfit.  🙂

That’s all folks.  Will be making some updates in my website … later….


hi…. me again….

I am still here…. just doing a lot of other things beside doll-making, blog-posting, and ebay-selling…  ^_^

I have a auction going on.  It’s a CY Girl Destiny head repaints.  So far I am not seeing a lot of interest in this head, probably because of Destiny’s darker skintone and probably because of the paint job.  Anyway, I would be over-joyed if I get one bid.  😆

Here’s her link:



Finally some photos

… finally it is warm (40+ F) and Sunny so I took some pictures of my new dolls:



Just want to make use of the Neo-EB Female body that I have. The leg is very loose now and I consider it “un-sellable”…. XD Ashley is a sporty girl with a boyish personality. She hates stockings and purses and earings and necklaces (and anything too ladyish).

Now please meet my new boys:

Punk boy (no name yet)


Volks Neo-go 02 head. He stole Rock’s outfits and stole Thunder’s body. (now i have two heads laying around waiting for bodies T__T )

Ashitaka (my favorite boy now) — A Japanese warrior. Inspired by the charactor Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke. Volks Neo Go 03 head; Outfit is CY girl Aska’s outfit. He still needs shoes….


Pictures spam…. cause I LOVE him a lot!! :mrgreen:

Oooooo~~ I Forgot!  Howard got a haircut:



Auction spam again.  :mrgreen:
