Have been very busy last two weeks – mother-in-law coming to visit and husband’s aunt also came to live for a few days.

Was very upset because of the Juri head.

I placed an order on Luts, buying $160 more to get this head, hoping to sell to recover some expenses. Then some members in DOA forum started a thread the same day I posted the head for sale saying….. it’s a gift…..Luts had mentioned it wants people to enjoy the head and not to sell……blah blah blah…… people should just GIVE the head to someone else if they don’t want it…….It’s morally wrong to sell the head because it’s a gift……blah blah blah…those heads were sold for such a high price and people received it for free ….blah blah blah…..

Definitely SOUR GRAPES


Then someone gave an $200 offer and I quickly ended the sale. The buyer is very nice, and she loves my 1/6 dolls !! =^^= I am happy that I sold the head and the wig for $200. The price can go up a little bit more, but I am not that greedy anyway. I know I am not a scalper and I can face myself in this aspect. But I was very upset for a few days and finally got some courage to post again in the forum. I guess there were some very young students there who just haven’t grown up yet. A lot of DOA members are on my side and support anyone who wants to sell the Juri head. But still… quite upseting and hurting…..

I don’t think I would ever ever want to sell anything in the forum again. I will just sell on ebay.

Planning to sell the Unoa once I received her and do faceups on her. She will definitely go on Ebay.

Happy New Year anyway!

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