to paint my Mini Fee Chiwoo.

Send him off to Gina Kim from DOA for Faceup. Very reasonable price ($27) and love her natural cute faceup style.

I have been painting Chiwoo 5-6 times…. everytime I re-looked at the result, I just said “Yuck” “too dark color” “too odd eyebrows” “lip color not right” “not good lower eyelashes”….etc etc etc etc. I deeply regretted not getting the Luts default faceup when ordering him…. from now on,…..every doll that I will purchase, I will get the default makeup.

Not that I don’t want to paint BJD, but, I just always think my own faceups are yucky or not good enough. (that’s one reason I keep selling my own painted dolls :P) Somehow I keep repainting and repainting and repainting the dolls that I myself painted. So, I try not to look at my own painted dolls too long…. or otherwise, they will be repainted again. XD

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