New Blog

Got into WordPress and get a blog so I can put my posts into different cateogories!  (crazy me. )

I am….


After 5-6 hours of rehab (i.e. sitting on computer desk and reconstructing the website), I am fine now.

Hope it would not strike again in the near future.

Side-Effect : please visit my new reconstructed website. 🙂

Where is KY?

In case you may wonder ….

I am doing cross-stitches all the time…:)

occassionally checking emails and updating my site…. 🙂

occassionally checking Ebay OOAK fashion doll auctions and see if there are any gorgeous male/female dolls by Josephine and Sweet marbles…. 🙂

That’s is….

*off to do cross-stitchses again…*


She is Mai.

Sexy boy?

Here’s my Thunder (mnf Chiwoo). New faceup by me. I think I would leave him as is for now. (Have been spending quite some time to paint him).

Posted in BJD. 2 Comments »

I think I have another…..



I started doing cross-stitch way back when I was a college student. I stopped when my daugher was born. Then I picked up knitting and crocheting (from my mother-in-law). I stopped because kids just don’t like knitted sweaters (too inchy)!! Then I picked up Takara Jenny collecting (from my childhood doll). Two years later, I started making/painting OOAK dolls and selling on ebay (so I can keep painting without hundreds of dolls at home). Then I discovered BJD and now have two mini boys (mnf Chiwoo and Yubin) and expecting a mini girl (Unoa Lusis). Now,…… my interests in painting dolls has faded (as my creativity decreases), so does my interests in BJD.

Can’t believe I pick up this old hobby.

But I am enjoying it, as least for now, until I discover another hobby. 🙂

Another most gorgeous male doll……..

WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS WEEK ????? T_________________________T
SweetMarble has another handsome male on ebay!!

*dead again*

Now, He is competing with Josephine’s Vlad…….. I am excited to see how the two auctions would become…..


the most gorgeous male I’ve ever seen…

VLAD — *please go to to see his picture* (don’t want to post other’s picture without asking.)

he is painted by Josephine — officially my favorite Male doll artist !!

He is just …… *jaw dropped**

I have three 03 heads, so I will be painting an illegal copy of him for myself *wicked smile*. Of course, I could never paint that good. Just a distant copy and I will be happy. ^__^

Painting him would also help improve my own painting skills because I probably need to “study” him for a while, paying attention to details and colors, and shape of eyes, eyebrows,etc….. — that would be a very good way to improve my own painting skills. Actually I have been doing that since I started painting dolls.

Wow…..still not recovered….

*dead for a few days *

TO-BUY lists:

for next Obitsu order:

one slim male head with hair (because I screwed up the Obitsu 03 head trying to sand his lips down >_ BOUGHT

one 27 cm eyehold head and body (still waiting for it to come out)
at least one 27 cm wig
at least one pair of eyes for 27cm eyehold head

maybe some 12mm eyes for my lusis; some 14 mm eyes for my Chiwoo;

the black dress with chains for obitsu 1:6 body — BOUGHT

at least two socks for my two small devil girls – one white and one black — BOUGHT

Others just purchased:
Obitsu 05 blank head
Obitsu regular soft bust body

and everything else in the store. ^__^


I finally persuaded myself to keep the upcoming dolls (which means I am not selling them on ebay), so I have to write down all the reasons just in case I got inchy to sell:

1/ There are a lot of wonderful artists out there selling dolls now. The very good ones are: Josephine, Gena, Islahei, INI, Sweet Marble, Riko, to name just a few. The good ones are: Ashley, blanki, Silver Coin, and some others (just could not remember the ebay ids). The new comers are: essie Lim, Yamamura, dollsbyrhinnan, whatadoll, and some others. So, I believe it’s really the time for me to quit the market. Can’t compete with the very good ones and good ones, and got to leave room for the young and new artists to sprout!

2/ I sell dolls mainly to save up some money for my BJD expenditure. Now, I don’t want any more BJD, and my BJD interests declined quickly in the past few months, so there seems to be no reasons to sell dolls now.

3/ Selling dolls has been giving me a lot of pressure — the final prices, the packaging, the names, the outfits, the feedback, the delivery period, the photos, the descriptions, the biddings,…… — and I had been thinking too much of these and not paying enough attention to my family. Now I can be a better wife and a better mom.

4/ Hate going to post office to pick up boxes from Japan and hate to go to post office to mail dolls.

5/ Not much creativity left now, after almost 2 years of making dolls. Should slow down, and think more. I want my dolls now to have SOUL, to have personalities,to have their own stories, and to speak to me. Don’t want them to be just dolls with some barbie outfits.

I guess that’s it.