the most gorgeous male I’ve ever seen…

VLAD — *please go to to see his picture* (don’t want to post other’s picture without asking.)

he is painted by Josephine — officially my favorite Male doll artist !!

He is just …… *jaw dropped**

I have three 03 heads, so I will be painting an illegal copy of him for myself *wicked smile*. Of course, I could never paint that good. Just a distant copy and I will be happy. ^__^

Painting him would also help improve my own painting skills because I probably need to “study” him for a while, paying attention to details and colors, and shape of eyes, eyebrows,etc….. — that would be a very good way to improve my own painting skills. Actually I have been doing that since I started painting dolls.

Wow…..still not recovered….

*dead for a few days *

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