Hi I am still here……

;^^;  Have not been doing doll-related things lately….. except finished one commission and repainted one of my Dollfie Plus heads.  I have been doing gardening (trying to get the grass in the front yard to grow better >_<) and house-painting (to paint the wall and stairs going down to the basement X<) so I was all exhausted at night. 
I am re-doing my own collection currently, so some of the girls "disappear" in the page.  I might even repaint my dear Butterfly and Caterpillar later.  @_@  Also "discover" the wonder of using Pastel to paint lips in painting resin heads (dollfie plus heads and dollfie plus optional heads) so I am redoing most of my eyehole heads. 
No new ideas about painting new girls/boys.  T__T  

My Unoa Lusis is COMING!!  XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD But my MSC UV Flat is not….. T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T_T  So,…. she will be staying in the box for a while, until I can wash and coat her and prepare to assemble and paint her.  Alas…..  

That's it….. it's 10:34pm now and believe it or not….I am very tired and I am going to sleep….. *eyes half-closed already*…

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