Some pictures

Doll Room:

Doll room (very crowed)

A bit too crowded… so there is an extension for those not able to squeeze in:

doll room extension

Waiting room:

waiting room

 Just arrived today:

new 23 cm little girl

My cross-stitches:



3 Responses to “Some pictures”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Hi Ky! Are you feeling better now from cold? I just saw your newest dolls and they’re gorgeous, as ever! I like the family photos and the idea of a “waiting room” (I should do the same with my “work in progress” dolls :P). Btw, I really like your new no name lady with pale skin and deep eyeshadow; as for me, she doesn’t look like just being hit on the eyes or without sleep for days. Btw, I also addes some new dolls on my site, Karin and another Daniel version. Please take a look, I hope I’m improving at painting females and doing weird hairstyles (Daniel’s sideburns were a pain to do…). Let’s keep up the good work!

  2. Kizzychan Says:

    Hi Ky! Are you feeling better now from cold? I just saw your newest dolls and they’re gorgeous, as ever! I like the family photos and the idea of a “waiting room” (I should do the same with my “work in progress” dolls ). Btw, I really like your new no name lady with pale skin and deep eyeshadow; as for me, she doesn’t look like just being hit on the eyes or without sleep for days. Btw, I also addes some new dolls on my site, Karin and another Daniel version. Please take a look, I hope I’m improving at painting females and doing weird hairstyles (Daniel’s sideburns were a pain to do…). Let’s keep up the good work!

  3. kydolls Says:

    Hi Kizzy!! I am better now ^__^ THANKS!
    THANK you very much for your nice comments! I am pretty happy with the no name lady also. I actually like her lips more. 😛

    Karin and Daniel 3rd are nice!! I especially like Daniel’s confident smile =^^= !! and Karin’s hairclip is so cute! Looks like Karin is a very cool and serious lady! Great Job!! THANKS FOR SHARING!!

    Yes! Keep making more and more dolls!! Hooray!! DOLLS ROCK!!!! *pom pom* *pom pom*

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