Finally got some time and motivation to update my site and my blog. 

Added another doll-room:

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There's a new girl in town……

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New love-story:

05192006 002.jpg

and the dogs and bears are enjoying their food:

05192006 003.jpg


7 Responses to “UPDATE 2”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Your new girl in town is so classy! I really love his eyes and hairstyle. Is it a handroot? And did you make the necklace too? Amazing! And what cute plushies :)! Who is the female doll of new love story? Btw, I also added new dolls on my site, if you want, take a look 😉

  2. kydolls Says:

    HI KIZZYCHAN!!! THANKS!!! Yes I handroot her hair with dark green nylon hair from dollyhair.com. I made the necklace also. ^__^

    THe female doll is Naomi. I start to love painting dreamy-type eyes now….:P Too many “I am going to kill you” type girls in the house so I start to feel my life is in danger…XD SO more gentle, dreamy and lovely girls now.

    Oh I see your HOWL!!! He is WONDERFUL (so cute ^__^ and handsome)!! I haven’t seen the movie yet, but will be very soon (parents just brought the VCD here!! 😀 yey!!! )

    THANKS!! 🙂

  3. Kizzychan Says:

    Hi, thanks for reply! Yes I know dollyhair, I used them for Kate & Karin. The necklace is simply stunning, I wish I could make them too… in fact, I couldn’t make Howl jewelry… >_

  4. Kizzychan Says:

    Hi, thanks for reply! Yes I know dollyhair, I used them for Kate & Karin. The necklace is simply stunning, I wish I could make them too… in fact, I couldn’t make Howl jewelry… 😦 even because I haven’t tiny drop shaped pearls… 😛 Oh Naomi is so lovely and sweet… generally my dolls, too, have gentle expressions, I must force myself to paint an “angry” face! Lol! I’m happy you liked my Howl, and yes, the movie is wonderful, please watch it! See you 😉
    Oops, my comment had been cut, so I post it again, sorry!

  5. kydolls Says:

    THANKS!! You can probably search around ebay to find doll jewelry. ^__^ Yeah….finding the right sized beads/pearls etc may even be harder. (Most craft stores carry beads/pearls for human adults). Buying finished jewelry may be easier and cheaper. ^__^

    Ooo~~~ having some “angry” face dolls are fun!! They can be the evil guys/gals and the heroic (and handsome) guys can save the beauties from them. 😀

  6. Jackie Says:

    Oh I love your new girl!! She is beautiful!! I love the color and the way you styled her hair!!

  7. kydolls Says:

    Hi Jackie!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! 🙂 yeah…Ivy does have some special hair color and hair style (the advantage of handrooting a blank head). ^__^ Other girls are getting quite jealous now…..:P

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