May have some dolls for sale…. later

I want to thin my collection and make more male dolls.  So, some female dolls have to go.  Here’s are some:

Former Rosa Stellina:


Former Iyahna:


Former Dawn:


Former Buttermilk:


I am repainting Ivy, so she may be for sale later too.  I also want to sell the two Obitsu eyehole head girls.    Then I can buy more male dolls!!!  Yay!!

Barbie Fashions

Seems like the new Fall Barbie Fashion Fever has been out!!  Will be looking for them in various stores later on.  The outfit set (usually sold at $4.99) is now selling on ebay for ….. $13.99 + up. 😐 There are also the combination outfits set (three sets in one) availble.  I will try my luck at Wal-Mart, or ToyRus, or KB toys first.

Barbie outfits doesn’t appeal to me much.  They are too feminie for me. I like outfits that are boyish and cool (punk syle, lolita style are always my favorite).  I also like outfits that are special, like those Azone outfits (cat girl, fairies of darkness, working maid dresses, Chinese QiPao, etc etc etc).  Azone outfits are hard to find, since HobbyLink Japan is always out-of-stock.  (have been waiting for one JerryBean dress for months….)  A lot of time, Azone outfits are too expensive ($30+ish for one set).    😥 Wish I can make outfits by myself.  I used to sew outfits for Jenny, and have 5-6 Jenny dress books.  But since the birth of my second daughter, I have not touched the sewing machine.  I still don’t want to take it out, because the sharp needles are not for little grabby curious hands.  Will have to wait three more years until my second daughter go to first grade. But then I would want to find a part-time job and won’t have time to sew……

Anyway, just babbling because I am really bored these days.  It’s the end of summer vacation, and from next week onwards, I have to go to bed earlier (have to wake up earlier) so would have less time to paint.  Alas…. but School is good.  At least my older daughter (6 years old) doesn’t have to sit at home all day doing nothing…….

haha….still babbling…….. please excuse me…….

Howl’s preparation

So far, I got deep blue hair from Volks ……. that’s is……. 😳

I gave up on finding the outfits on internet — had searched Barbie, Takara Jenny, Licca Papa, Pullip, Azone (girl and men) …. — nothing really close enough…. think I would just got some felt from Michael’s next time and make a white t-shirt and black pant.

For his head, I think I would try Obitsu 02 or 05…. maybe 05….

His body, I have ordered a EB-N, but if it’s not good, I have Obitsu Slim male also.

This is the image I like:


or this one is good too:


I like him with a little smile…. so cute!!

Next time I go to Michael’s, would also try finding the triangular shape and water-drop shape green beads for his earrings and necklaces. But I am not sure if I can find one. If it’s too expensive, then, sorry Howl….. you just have to live without them. 😉

Outfits for EB-N body??

What would fit the EB-N body??? I don’t want to order the bodies then find out nothing fit and the boys have to sit naked with all the girls……. 😥 Better find this out before ordering, or else I would just stick with Obitsu slim male (at least Ken’s outfits would loosely fit them)…..

Update: after some research, I think Takara Boy (or Licca Papa) fashion might fit. 😀 I would search around Ebay and find something inexpensive to try. Hopefully I can find a pair of black pant for Howl.

Gave up!! 😥 It’s super hard to find suitable outfits for Howl and my other two boys with EB-N bodies…. So….. I would just stick to what I have….. 😥 *frustrated* 😡

Super Sexy Buttermilk !!!

She begged me to let her take some sexy pictures before I put her into more conservative outfits.  So there she is, with a new face (not really very work safe):








My KISS arrived!!!! XD

Here he is!!!  kiss-001.jpg


His glass eyes and blond wigs haven’t arrived yet.  I am super happy because the seller included a wig and a pair of green acrylic eyes for him.  I haven’t decided on his name yet…..

Two commissions

He is supposed to look like John Mayer…. 😳commission-yaya-019.jpg

Another one:


Things I need for 1/6 scale

Just a list to remind myself 😉


1 Tan new EB-N body for my tan N head (need clothes)
1 Normal new EB-N body for my normal N head (need clothes)

1 Normal new EB-N body for my Howl

Golden Brown hair for commission

Deep blue hair for Howl

Mini head for my evil mini girl

1 03 Go-Guy head for my spare Obitsu slim male body

1 white skin female Obitsu 03 gold haired head for my white skin EB-D body

1 Obitsu 02 head (blank) for Howl

1 pineapple curly nylon hair for my coconut girl

1 set of swimsuit for my coconut girl

So far so good? ….. 🙄

of course:

Guy color Volks 03 Neo-Go head and guy color Volks neo-Go bodies — The more the better :mrgreen:

I am going to order from Volks/Dollyhair/Junkyspot real soon (these two weeks hopefully) so if any one of you out there reading this would like to add something small and piggyback ride on my orders, just let me know! 🙂






Butterfly and family

Since they all have purple or Purple/black hair, and they look kindof alike or similar with each other, so they are now under one family.

Butterly (being the oldest), Ding, Dong (twins) and Violet (being the youngest).






Dong (err….. 😆 still dressing like that after mom’s grounding….. *sigh*)


