Two commissions

He is supposed to look like John Mayer…. 😳commission-yaya-019.jpg

Another one:


4 Responses to “Two commissions”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    I don’t know who John Mayer is, but these guys are really cool! Too bad you’ll part from them… So, you’re going to make your Howl, uh? Can’t wait to see him, I used Obitsu head 2 too but the male slim body instead of Volks N.

  2. kydolls Says:

    Haha…. I don’t know who he is also. 😛 You can easily look him up on a web search.
    He is a commission. Painting real people is very challenging and fun!! I personally like the brown hair one — big eyes and pouty lips. Very handsome and cute at the same time. ^_^

    Yes….. I want to make a Howl later on. I think OB 02 head is very good choice. I am going to try Volks New EB-N body. If not good, I can switch to OB Slim male body. 😉

  3. Amanda Says:

    I can’t exactly remember what John Mayer looks like, but I say that he looks very nice regardless of accuracy 😀 The other guy is great too 🙂

  4. kydolls Says:

    THANKS Amanda!! Guys with deep eyes are always handsome and mysterious !! 😉

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