Outfits for EB-N body??

What would fit the EB-N body??? I don’t want to order the bodies then find out nothing fit and the boys have to sit naked with all the girls……. 😥 Better find this out before ordering, or else I would just stick with Obitsu slim male (at least Ken’s outfits would loosely fit them)…..

Update: after some research, I think Takara Boy (or Licca Papa) fashion might fit. 😀 I would search around Ebay and find something inexpensive to try. Hopefully I can find a pair of black pant for Howl.

Gave up!! 😥 It’s super hard to find suitable outfits for Howl and my other two boys with EB-N bodies…. So….. I would just stick to what I have….. 😥 *frustrated* 😡

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