Howl’s preparation

So far, I got deep blue hair from Volks ……. that’s is……. 😳

I gave up on finding the outfits on internet — had searched Barbie, Takara Jenny, Licca Papa, Pullip, Azone (girl and men) …. — nothing really close enough…. think I would just got some felt from Michael’s next time and make a white t-shirt and black pant.

For his head, I think I would try Obitsu 02 or 05…. maybe 05….

His body, I have ordered a EB-N, but if it’s not good, I have Obitsu Slim male also.

This is the image I like:


or this one is good too:


I like him with a little smile…. so cute!!

Next time I go to Michael’s, would also try finding the triangular shape and water-drop shape green beads for his earrings and necklaces. But I am not sure if I can find one. If it’s too expensive, then, sorry Howl….. you just have to live without them. 😉

6 Responses to “Howl’s preparation”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Be warned that Obitsu head 05 neck hole doesn’t fit the male slim’s neck! I tried myself and so I had to use 02 head, as its neck hole is larger. And for the outfits… I gave up and sewed them by miself by hand, after doing the patterns… and finding outfit for Volks N bodies is a pain too… some Azone jeans and shirts for girls also fit them, as well as Azone bodysuit for girls and some hakamas for Barbie… these are the ones I used for my N and C bodies. Some Barbie flat feet’s gym shoes (the gymnast body, you mean?) fit their feet too. Instead I couldn’t find the right beads for making Howl’s jewels, sigh… 😦

  2. kydolls Says:

    THANKS for the warning!! Hmmm…. I’d better stick with 02 head. 😉

    Finding male outfit is a PAIN!!! 😡 everybody said so…… 😥 😥 I wish I can sew things like you do. Your kids are wearing some really unique outfits!! (eg, Inuyasha, medival outfits, swordman, Sasshomaru, indian girl, oscar’s outfit, samurai, rider’s outfit, etc,etc,) Woo~~~ Just amazing!

    For shoes, …. I just go with Obitsu super shinny black boots with just $3.5 per pair. *holding up the shoes and smile happily facing the camera* Too bad the WTG shoes are really not my cup of tea…. otherwise, they would be of nice quality without a killing prices.

    One day I need to try the silkstone ken’s outfits. I heard that it fits better since silkstone Ken and Barbie have smaller waist

    Can’t Azone see that more and more people are collecting male dolls?????? 😡 Make more MALE OUTFITS PLEASEEEEE!!!…no…. MAKE MORE CHEAPER MALE OUTFITS PLEASEEEEE!!!! 😡

    Finding the beads is not easy. I don’t think I can find them in Michael’s too. I hope with a lot of hours devoted in front of the Computer, I may get lucky. If I can find one, I will let you know. 🙂

  3. Kizzychan Says:

    I’m not a skilled seamstress, however, thanks for the compliments! I’ll try to do my best! And I just read you want to sell some dolls, on ebay also. Can you give me the link?? Maybe I can buy something… so you want to do male dolls only from now on? And, by chance, are you going to sell that Barbie cardigan too? Many people tell me to sell some of my dolls too, but I can’t part with them… maybe in future, who knows?

  4. kydolls Says:

    Hi Kizzy! Yes I am selling some dolls, keeping only a few. The link is:

    My ebay ID is dollsbyky and all the items are listed in Dollfie section.

    Yes… Mostly Male dolls from now on. I have three female dolls to be made — 1 eyehole head, 1 Obitsu coconut, and 1 animated head. Then I would get more male doll heads/bodies (I prefer guy color) from Volks!! :mrgreen:

    If you are comfortable with your collection, you really don’t have to sell. Selling is not the most fun and relaxing thing to do!! You have to upload good pictures, write the description, put them on sale page/ebay, check emails all the time to see if anybody would be interested,…etc…etc… and finally the trip to Post office to mail them. That’s basically the main reason — the stresses — that keep me away from selling dolls. So… Don’t sell unless you have to. (that’s just my experience. Others may have a lot of fun selling dolls ;P)

    I am feeling having too many female dolls sitting around, too few guys, and had lost bonding with many female dolls, so I am selling them with a good prices so others can have fun with them. Also I found my interests had changed and prefer more cute-looking girls now, so selling most of them who are more mature-looking. :mrgreen:

  5. kydolls Says:

    Hi Kizzy!! Just want to tell you that I would like to give the cardigan to you. :mrgreen: I won’t be using it very often and I am sure you can make better use of it. Can you let me know you address to my email (no you don’t want to post it here :lol:) so I can mail it to you ? My email:

  6. Kizzychan Says:

    Yes, selling items on ebay is very stressful… but it’s the only place to find someone interested in custom dolls… People usually say ‘why don’t you sell them?’ and then I reply ‘Ok, do you want to spend at least 200 euros for one??’ The average normal people don’t spend such a sum for a custom doll, sure! So ebay is the right place for selling them… unfortunately! I’ve a lot of Volks go guy bodies already customized, I prefer them rather that Obitsu male slim bodies, but recently I’m doing all female dolls, some realistic, some animeish, using the leftover Volks A heads too… Just to use them with the leftover hair and so on… Just emailed you, let me know if you get my mail, thanks!

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