New Girl and Storm

Haven’t been painting for a while…..

Haven’t been painting any girls for even longer while….

so there’s a new one:


Her hair is Curly Hair from  Tension method is what I used, and I can’t imagine using knot method for this hair.  I can imagine her wearing some luxury jewelry and a gorgeous gown but those would come later.  :mrgreen:

Also took some picture of Storm without the hat.


I still haven’t sealed him yet 😳 Too lazy these days…..

4 Responses to “New Girl and Storm”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Ooh, a new girl and a boy… nice hair. Are the curly hair difficult to manage? And did you cut Storm’s hair so short… I’m afraid to do that… Btw, I must start to work on my new boys too… I hope after the holidays… Glad you’ve got my mail with Xmas card, hurrah! 😀

  2. kydolls Says:

    Curly hair is okay …. but I have to cut it really short and it’s really “messy” during the rooting process. I prefer to use normal saran hair, then perm it curly later.

    Yup, I cut Storm’s hair…. *wicked scissors* I like short hair guys…

    if I screw up, I just buy another skeins of hair and reroot him !! 😆 (and I can get some unique hair color too!)

    YEAH!! Bring the BOYS OUT!!!

    Waiting … waiting … waiting… :mrgreen:

  3. koalajoe Says:

    Nice curly hair! I like the way you tie it up too. Cute and stylish 😀

  4. kydolls Says:

    THANKS!! 🙂 Inspiration is from a real little girl (in my daughter’s pre-school) who has natural curly hair. She always wears a up-do and hates mom combing her hair. 😉

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