
My two repainted and rerooted Momokos.


3 Responses to “Momokos”

  1. griffin2306 Says:

    they really beautiful. makes me happy inside knowing momoko purists would bleed from the eyeballs if they see these dolls 😀

    you know, since you have customized these gals alot already, ever considered putting one on an obitsu body? anyways, lub your work

  2. kydolls Says:

    THANKS!! 🙂 well…Momoko is a very interesting doll. but for some reasons, her original faceup doesn’t appeal to me much. ^__^ I tried to keep the black hair Momoko’s origainl face, but she just doesn’t look “right” so end up repainting her also… 😆

    *any momoko purists around?* *hide*

    Obitsu bodies matches nicely for Momoko heads! The skin tone is just a little bit off, but not obviously off. I had tried putting the black hair one on an Obitsu body before. However for some unknown reason, Momoko just seems to look better with a slimmer body. So I changed back. 🙂

    THANKS! I saw your lovely little boys and girls on Junkyspot Forum!! They are very cute! 🙂 Like all the freckles (and the looking-at-you cute eyes) !! 🙂
    I guess they are all making you smile whenever you look at them!

  3. griffin2306 Says:

    ah, i understand. yay slim bodies~!

    gah, thanks. it’s a real compliment coming from someone like you ::embrassed::

    ay, i’m trying to get into the 27cm part of obitsus. so far, it’s working out fine… hopefully…

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