Group photos

My boys:


*sign* Thunder is missing again….. He is in the “repaint” room.

My girls:


4 Responses to “Group photos”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Nice group shots, but… where’s your Howl? Btw, I hope you had a great 2007, full of dolls!

  2. kydolls Says:


    My Howl….. err.. somehow I have to break the new to you…. 😥
    I have decided to send him to the next life (that is, trash can) since from the very beginning, I have not been happy with him…. maybe I got the wrong hair color, or I am just not good at painting charactor, or…I don’t want to make a shirt for him, …. or …. the original Howl is too cute and handsome to capture, …. or I am just a stupid perfectionist, ….. whatever the reason, Howl is gone now.
    But don’t be sad, I am going to make another boy with the default N head and Howl’s body. 😉

  3. Kizzychan Says:

    Really? Nooo, poor Howl… 😦 Strange, I don’t think anime charas are too difficult to recreate… your Inuyasha was good, so don’t give up!

  4. kydolls Says:

    :mrgreen: I think it’s just me…. Especially making anime characters, if something is not quite like the original (like hair color, outfits, headmold, body, shoes, eyes, …), then I start “not liking” them…… So I had better to stay out of making anime characters for good….

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