Just for fun


Kristopher Lawrence — a changed man

He totally left the Vampire kingdom. :mrgreen:
He is a changed man now.

Just a normal human beings, he now starts a new leaf on earth. :mrgreen:
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😳 I don’t think I sealed him……  😳 oh well… maybe later.

Judging from the way I upload photos, I have to delete some old photos…. real soon.

I know I am getting old,… 😥
cause I start loving bigger-eye boys, with more elegant style (not punk anymore), and insist on short hair …

Sun is out again!!!

Hudson with the new lips.


My BJD boys: MNF Chiwoo, Yubin, Chiwoo, and Kiss.


These photos were taken during the Sunset, so some appears to have a “golden” tone.  No, I didn’t change the color.   The color of natural beauty, I guess.  :mrgreen:

Sun is Out!!

so I took some new photos of my dolls.  Most of them are redressed, or re-eyed, or re-wigged.  Hudson, the only guy here, is repainted.  but his lips are not good, so will need more lip- surgery soon.  So this set of photos would probably be retake once he has the new lips.


Momoko — received some red hair as highlights, and also a new lips.  She also has a new body — cause her head cannot stay up on her old, original body.  She now has an Obitsu body.


The following girls are also having their new photos taken.


Hope to update my website with some new photos.  :mrgreen: