Repainted Butterfly :mrgreen:

Eyes are not quite balanced, but I am happy with her expression. ๐Ÿ™‚


Also redressed some girls:

Curly with Barbie new fashion and handmade jewelry.

CURLY with Barbie Fashion outfit and my handmade jewelry curly03.jpg


Aha… I forgotย  —- finally got one:


5 Responses to “NEW BUTTERFLY”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Curly is so lovely, I like these Dollyhair curly hair… maybe I’ll try them too… Did you make her jewels? I wish, but I don’t have the right tools… and did you get a Bratz?? Do you like these dolls? I don’t… too big headed, their bodies are short and so on… and the worst thing is that now the new Barbies have shorter body and bigger heads… ๐Ÿ˜ฆ too Bratz-like, urgh! >_

  2. kydolls Says:

    THANKS! it’s good to try out different hair — nylons, curly, saran, volks, etc. I like new things. :mrgreen: But I prefer saran over nylons, and restoredoll over dollyhair now. But it’s just me. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Curly hair is more expensive, but you can root 2-3 heads using one package. Mine is the smallest size — size 8 — so you can have an idea.

    Yes I made the jewelry. You can go to craft store and get a basic tool set. Or just a nose piler and a cutter would be enough for most projects.

    Yes, I got a bratz kid. They are just very cute. Body…. well she just sit on the shelf so … it’s okay. I don’t like Bratz. Big heads and too-sexy looks . Don’t like Barbies and My Scene. The Collectible Barbies are much better.

    Yes the new Barbies have shorter bodies. They don’t look nice, but their outfits DO FIT BETTER on Obitsu or Volks bodies. That’s good news. Some new fashions are quite nice and I got some. (as shown by some of my girls) :mrgreen: You should try them out too.

  3. griffin2306 Says:

    gahhh~! those darn barbie outfits haven’t turned up in my area yet~! you’re girls make me want them even more~!

    what sb body is ding? it looks like the sb3 but i’m not sure….

    oh and your little miko makes me want to root and paint that mini head i have here….

    i keep fronting off buying a bratz kid, even though like, everyone is buying one and making me jealous…

    gah, your dolls inspire alot in me ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. kydolls Says:

    Some stores are slow in new barbie fashions. But eventually they will have them. ๐Ÿ™‚ Wal*mart has more. ToyRus has only a few. KB toys usually has some also. I don’t know about others… Ebay has the most and they are usually more expensive (those scalpers sell the $9.99 set for $19.99 + $10 shipping!! ๐Ÿ˜ก ) Look for some nice sellers who sell for their original prices.

    Ding has sb3. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Mini heads are cute! I also like the new Obitsu chubby head and azone 05 heads. Want to squeeze their chubby cheeks!! :mrgreen:
    I am sure you can make a cute girl out of the mini head.

    I got a bratz kid only because they are on sale for $8.88. Otherwise, I would think more if they are on regular price. They are cute but their body don’t do a lot other than sitting and bending their legs a little. And I spent more than 1/2 hour just to get the doll out of the plastic thing…… ๐Ÿ˜ก

    THANKS! :mrgreen: It’s fun to create dolls!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I also got my inspiration from other artists (especially those talented Japanese artists).

  5. Kizzychan Says:

    Oh, good news that the new Barbie outfits fit Obitsu & Volks bodies better: surely I’ll buy some, then! Thank you for the news! ๐Ÿ™‚

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