Cranberry — a Cat turned into a girl


Hmm….. I think she needs some time to adjust to the Human world.

7 Responses to “Cranberry — a Cat turned into a girl”

  1. koalajoe Says:

    Haha! What an expression! Cute!

  2. griffin2306 Says:

    what did you use to paint the ears? and where did you get the dress?

    hehe, pretty cute, looking confused…

  3. kydolls Says:

    THANKS Koalojoe and Griffin2306! ^___^

    I used acrylic paints for the ears. The dress is a Bratz dress set. (Those hard to open packages)… ^___^

    yeah~~~ She is still confused, and will be so until …. i repaint her(probably would not happen in the near future )… poor girl confused forever…..


  4. Kizzychan Says:

    Sorry my ignorance… but what kind of head is this?? And did you rooted the hair? And did you make the ears? Btw, very cute and surprised expression!

  5. kydolls Says:

    Hi Kizzychan!! The head is the new released heads for 21/23 cm bodies. The ears are sold separately, two pairs in each package. The ears are for you to paint. You can check them out in Junkyspot (21/23 cm head).

    I rooted the head with cranberry restoredoll hair (which is a very lovely hair blend), but there are also prerooted heads for sale. :mrgreen: I like this a little bit better than the “old” 23 cm girl heads, because they are chubby. ^__^ They should fit both 21 or 23 bodies.

    Yes… she is surprised, because she is originally a cat…. 😀

  6. Kizzychan Says:

    Thanks for reply! As I’m not fond of mini bodies, I know nothing about them nor their heads and accessories… but the cat ears to paint… cool! Do they fit also regular female and male heads (Obitsu, Neo guy Goh…)? If so maybe in future I’ll make a catboy or catgirl!

  7. kydolls Says:

    Oh I see… ^__^ The Obitsu chubby 21/23 girl head here has two “holes” for you to put the ears in. If you can make two holes in the regular female heads or male heads, you should be able to just plug the ears in and make catboy and catgirl. ^__^ :mrgreen:

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