Crow and Cherry

CROW. Volks N head. Volks N body. Deep blue and Silver hair. Light Blue eyes.

😥 No outfit. ….. 😥 ….. this is a difficult one…. because he is more of the fantasy side…… *headache*


Cherry is trying to improve her image a little bit (she is really a gentle and stylish girl 🙄 )…… so I repainted her lips. Is she looking better now? :mrgreen:

2 Responses to “Crow and Cherry”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Oh, now she’s smiling, and not pissed anymore…:) and Crow, what a look! Very deep… 😉

  2. kydolls Says:

    :mrgreen: Yes… not as sad now. Hope she likes it better. I may re-repaint her lips to a different color later. For some reason, the color looks… odd…. 😕

    yeah~~~ Crow is very deep …. he might attack me if he doesn’t have a suitable costume soon…. *scared*

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