Two More girls….

2 more girls….. Can’t believe myself……  😯

Got to rest a bit and make some doll jewelry now.

No name for them yet. Any ideas?? :mrgreen:

Girl 1 : Tan A head on tan Dollfie Plus body. I especially like the wide shoulder of the DP body and it carries some of the Barbie outfits very nicely and better than obitsu bodies. She is a good friend of Miko, and an athletic girl.


GIRL 2: A chinese/asian lady. Any good asian names?? The super short mini skirt is from Bratz. Dolls like to show off their long,well-shaped legs…. 😐

Hm….. still repainting Thunder *sign* *sign* …. and still not happy with Cherry’s new lips.  Would be working on them.

7 Responses to “Two More girls….”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Sorry I don’t know any Chinese name…except for Miaomiao (it’s pretty funny because ‘miao’ is the ‘meow’ of the cat in Italian) XD and your asian girl is very classy, I like her eyes and lips. Maybe Naomi fits her? It means beauty and honest in Japanese…

  2. Kizzychan Says:

    Hi again, I just saw your comment on Westley, thanks! 🙂 He’s inspired by the movie ‘the princess bride’, do you know it?

  3. kydolls Says:

    OH!! Princess Bride!! I saw that movie!!! It’s a classic with a touch of humor. 🙂 “as you wish” :mrgreen:

    About the name…. I know it’s hard. (and I am a Chinese…. *shameful* ) I think I am going to use “Bai Xue” for girl 2, which means “white snow”.

    I guess “Miaomiao” also means “cat” in Chinese. 😀

    Naomi is a very good name, that’s why I already have a girl named Naomi (will upload her new pictures later because she has new outfit and jewelry). :mrgreen: Besides Naomi, I also like Natasha, and Natalie. Maybe I will use one for girl 1.

  4. Kizzychan Says:

    Oh, I forgot you already have a Naomi girl… I think Natasha is good too, it’s a Russian name. Yes, ‘as you wish’, ahh, I was in love with Westley… 😀 He was a very handsome boy… Can’t wait to see new Naomi’s pictures.

  5. Kizzychan Says:

    Hi again, I just wanted to know if you’ve got my mail sent yesterday. If not please let me know here, thanks!

  6. Kizzychan Says:

    Oops, just checked my mails and I saw yours, thanks! Yes, just one Neo guy Goh body in lighter skin color is ok, I’ll write more in my answering mail, sorry again!

  7. kydolls Says:

    :mrgreen: No need to apologize. I replied your mail a little late. 😛 Will be ordering tomorrow (need to think twice what I want and avoid buying too many….. =__=)

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