Girls and more girls and more girls….


Just some new pictures for them.

Cherry with the new brown lips. (,,,, still something is not quite right. Maybe I would repaint her totally later. )

and her little sister Sakura.


She is spoiled, yet strong-minded and smart. Fashionable and Career-abmitious girl. Talented and sociable and full of self-confidence.

And because they are all here…… so,


a tiny group photo. You can see all four skin tones from Obitsu here. (Coconut, Marrone, Normal and White)  :mrgreen:

5 Responses to “Girls and more girls and more girls….”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Nice shots of even nicer gals! Did you make all the jewels? They’re nice and I’d like to try someday too… Btw, I ordered a Marrone (do you know that means ‘brown’ in Italian?) body and I’m still waiting for it… hope to get it soon!

  2. kydolls Says:

    THANKS!!! Yes I made the jewelry. Sometimes I just don’t want to paint, so I would switch to making other things for dolls…. :mrgreen:

    😯 Marrone — actually I don’t know this word. 😛 My english vocabuary is very limited so there are tons of words that I don’t know… Junkyspot forum explains that Marrone is more like Philippines or Malaysia’s type of skin tone. Interesting. Hope you’d have much Fun making your Marrone girl!! :mrgreen: (it’s always fun to make something a little different.)

  3. Kizzychan Says:

    Got my marrone body today, wow, so I can start to work on a new doll! And thanks for the comment on Raito, do you know the manga ‘Death note’? It’s published in Italian now and I’m reading it, I like it a lot! 😀

  4. kydolls Says:

    YEY!!! Let’s the fun begins!! :mrgreen:
    Hmmm…. got to know more about the manga….. I just know there is a movie “death Note” …. from Youtube. 😛

  5. Kizzychan Says:

    Yes, there’s an anime series, and two movies in Japan… I wish I could watch them in Italian…:( btw, I submitted a closer shot of Raito, if you want to take a look…

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