Website going to shutdown

I am going to shutdown my website in March, leaving just my blog open. Will be adding more pages to my blog showing my doll collections. Sounds good? at least to me, so I don’t have to pay monthly fee for the webhosting and annual domain registration fee. … :mrgreen:

6 Responses to “Website going to shutdown”

  1. griffin2306 Says:

    awwwwwwwwww, no fun. it’ll be harder to find pics of your older dolls. 😦

  2. kydolls Says:

    OH!! 😯 I sure can write a page to show pictures of my older dolls!! :mrgreen: I always think nobody is looking at my website anymore…. 😛 (well…. sometimes even myself don’t update it anymore…. )

  3. Kizzychan Says:

    What a pity! Fortunaly you’ll keep running the blog, right? 😉

  4. kydolls Says:

    Sure! Everything in the website will be “re-located” to my blog. I have already added three pages — female doll collection, male doll collection, and Takara Jenny collection. Am working on one more page. There shouldn’t be a lot of differences with and without the website. :mrgreen:

  5. griffin2306 Says:

    yays! me so happy!

    btw, i can not find any old pics of thunder 😦

    but storm is so pretty to look at 😀 makes me want a NGG 03 head but i can’t~! 😦

  6. kydolls Says:

    Oh I See…..
    Since Thunder is undergoing repaints, so I removed his old pictures. I can add back his old pictures (and other’s old pictures also). :mrgreen:

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