finally…. after repeated attempts to repaint him….. he is here… *sigh*


and Cherry:


Her eyes really do look more “make-sense” now.  Where you put the little white dots are very important.  :mrgreen:

7 Responses to “THUNDER”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Why ‘sigh’? He’s even more handsome now… Or maybe you aren’t 100% satisfied yet, right? And is Storm his brother? And Cherry, yes, now her look is more natural… But I never payed much attention to where put the white dots… the important matter is the eyes don’t look ‘strange’ to me… 😛

  2. kydolls Says:


    *sigh* because finally he looks good. For some reasons, maybe the hair color, make it really hard to paint this head. 😦

  3. Kizzychan Says:

    Ahh, is the hair color ‘classic gold’? I hate this color, it doesn’t hold the boiling perm… =_=

  4. kydolls Says:

    Yes it’s classic gold…. and it’s so hard to get all the color (eyebrows, eyes, eyelashes, lips, etc) to match nicely with this hair color without looking too dark or too light…. 😥

  5. griffin2306 Says:

    i still heart storm more but i love thunder’s new face up. it’s frustrating to paint a head that demands the perfect face or else right? i had one challenge and that was griffin. it was so darn frustrating to paint him. so i think i know your pain LOL

  6. griffin2306 Says:

    oh thanks for using my tip! i’m uber obsessed with eyes cause they’re so windows to the soul…

    i got my obsessions, you have yours.

  7. kydolls Says:

    Yes Exactly….. want something “perfect” & “just right” …. Storm is more “cute” than Thunder !! :mrgreen: Oh…. I just like cute boys……

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