
I am back last Friday. :mrgreen:

I am going to order some more Neo-Go heads and bodies. May order some extra heads in case I want to sell one or two on ebay. :mrgreen:

Haven’t been painting lately. Still have a tan Volks boy (Seiji), and two girls to finish. Have to wait a few more days until we (me and my 3-year old) totally adjust the US time. We are now sleeping at 8pm and wake up at 5am … 😯

2 Responses to “Back”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Oh, welcome back… jet lag is very annoying, uh? And in HK was so warm too… here we had a very warm winter and these days sprimg seems coming! I’m afraid we’ll have a terribly hot summer… O_O

  2. kydolls Says:

    THANKS!! Yes HK is very warm. And it’s getting warmer and warmer because of global warming. can’t imagine how hot it will be in summer…. We have a warm winter this year also. Seems like a hot summer is waiting to chew us up….. 😯

    We are getting there…… almost….. and should be fine next week.

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