Guess What!!!!!

I just fixed the broken feet!!! LOL

When I got the Neo-Go bodies, there are a bag of hands, joints, screwy things…. and I totally forgot about that!! Then realizing that Volks only have the optional feet and hands, and not the joints for sale, I remembered and digged those things out, and “discovered” the Joint parts for the feet!!! So … now both of my male dolls’ feet (Rock and Storm) are fixed and they are wearing shoes ……

I am …. not very smart….. 😳

guess I could have fixed their feet a long time ago………

Anyway….. I am glad they are fixed and I still would get one or two sets of those really nice optional feet/hands. :mrgreen:

One Response to “Guess What!!!!!”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    As Neo guy Go bodies already come with optional hands, it had been much better if Volks had put two or three sets of feet in one bag instead of one feet set + one hands set… Glad you could fix the boys’ feet, wow!

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