Volks Neo-Go hand and feet :D

I emailed them and they added the Neo-Go hand and feet in the optional part. (5-star customer service!!!)


I may order one or two sets, but what I really need is the “joint” parts…. 😐   Anyway, Kizzychan, please let me know how many and in what skin color of these sets you want and I can put them in the order. 🙂 Yes, the new Juliet Jam outfits are out and they are adorable!! I may order some heads also and maybe one more Male doll set. 😀

*excited* because I haven’t buy anything for a while…… ^0^

yeah~~~ doll-wise…. how about a silver hair Momoko sometime next week? :mrgreen:

4 Responses to “Volks Neo-Go hand and feet :D”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Hi Ky, just read your post, thanks! Yes, they’ve nicer feet for Go guy, hurrah! Just to start, I’ll order three sets of natural skin and three ones of guy color, ok? So the joint parts are the same provided with the body? Uhm… if I can’t fix them, can you teach me please? Thanks again and, let me know how much money I owe you, ok? I’m waiting for news soon, bye.

  2. kydolls Says:

    Hi Kizzychan!!

    Order placed!!

    SO far, $6 * 6 = $36. Will need to wait for the package to arrive to give you international shipping rate. ^__^ They are not very heavy, so I guess it would only be a small amount. ^__^

    About the feet, I guess you just pull the feet off from the joint, then put the new feet in and put back the whole thing into the leg. Soften the feet with some hot water helps a lot. It’s pretty hard to pull the joint off and put it back.

    *happy* *happy*

  3. Kizzychan Says:

    Hi again and thanks! I can’t wait to get the feet and try! But, please, can you remove the feet only and use the same joint or you must remove feet + joint and insert the new joint into the leg?? Please tell me, thanks, I don’t want to break something… ^_^;;

  4. kydolls Says:

    I think you can just replace the new feet and use the original joint. ^____^ It’s not easy to remove the feet from the ball-joint, so taking the whole thing out from the let may help. But you don’t have to. Hope it makes sense. :mrgreen: If not,.. you will know it when you got the optional feet.

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