just some updates


Little Red and Little Blue grow up!! They are now school girls. Their 23cm bodies will be for other heads.


I have been re-arranging/re-dressing/re-organizing my collections and here’s the Volks 03 and 05 eyehole heads now. *tired of changing bodies, eyes, wigs, outfits…… *femaledolls-009.jpg


Little Miko got a new outfit! She looks very cute in it although it’s a bit big. 🙂


Natasha’s getting SEXY!! She is showing off her althetic body and her tan skin tone.

That’s what I have been doing for the past few days. 🙂

2 Responses to “just some updates”

  1. griffin2306 Says:

    is the twins on midi bodies?

    woot! i hate rearranging things too, but the results are so damn good ^^

  2. kydolls Says:

    They are on Obitus bodies — normal bust I think….

    yes rearranging things is hard work!! But then I can have some “new” things came out from old things without spending a fortune!! :mrgreen:

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