
Introducing Wolf, a guy skin dark brown hair Neo-Go 03 head with gold highlights.  I actually made his hair a little crimped but after the shaggy cut….. doesn’t show ….  😦    Anyway…. here he is:


and ……  ;^__^;  ….. I re-repainted my brown hair momoko …… again…….  ……   🙄

Gave her back her momoko eyes, only looking straight, and smoky eyeshadow.


I start to think a lot of eyelashes really not quite suit Momoko.  She probably looks the best with simple eye-prints and natural or light-color lips (red lips momokos looks really …… weired to me……) .  I like her in smoky eyeshadows.  My favorite Momokos are : Pure Violet; Mama-Told-Me; Summer Yukata; and Cool Asian Flower.     If I have a chance for a nude Asian flower Momoko, I would not —  WOULD NOT — repaint her — really.  yes.  not.  *very determined look*      :mrgreen:

2 Responses to “Wolf”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Hi again, got your mail, please tell me if you get my reply. I need again your paypal address. Btw, nice redhead guy, I like how you styled his hair! I wonder what you can do with all these heads you ordered… Instead I still have some guys & gals to finish… I’m lazy recently… 😛 Momoko Cool Asian flower is really cute, I’ve her and I like her dress, shoes and necklace. Grab her if you can! 😉

  2. kydolls Says:

    Hi Yes I got your email and have replied. ^__^

    I probably can sell some of the heads. ^__^ If the market doesn’t seem to like the heads that I paint, I can always keep the rest and purchase some bodies for them later. (that’s why I only got a few to “test” the market.)

    🙂 Of course we always have some guys/gals needing to be finished…. I have to repaint Cranberry, make the Seiji boy, and repaint Raspberry. But… who can resist painting a Neo-Go 03 head!!!!

    Wow…. will look real hard for a Cool Asian Flower Momoko now…. The only thing I probably WILL change is her ..err….. hairstyle !! 😆 That’s a “interesting” hairstyle actually.

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