Neo-Go Head on ebay.


3 Responses to “Neo-Go Head on ebay.”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Wow, you’re on ebay again! I hope this guy sells well, he’s a nice one! ;)Btw, please let me know when you’ll place your next Volks order as I need further material (no hurry), ok? And did you get my mail and money by paypal?

  2. kydolls Says:

    THANKS!! 🙂 I hope so too.

    Yes I got your mail and money and I have mailed your package out today (Saturday). Hope it would arrive quickly like last time. ^__^

    Maybe a Volks order in April? ^__^ How’s that?

  3. Kizzychan Says:

    Oh thanks for sending the items! I just sent a mail too, asking more tips about replacing the feet… did you get it? A Volks order in april sounds ok, we’ll see! Go go for the guy head on ebay!!

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