
Just finished this commission: repaint of Ellowyne Sushi doll. :mrgreen:


Before After

I wonder ….

when would Luts release the 1/6 th size Chiwoo ??….. have been waiting and waiting and waiting since last year……….

Finally Luts has Mini Fee hands available.  Hope to order a new pair of hand for my MNF Chiwoo when I order the 1/6th little cute Chiwoo……  and maybe a fur wig for my Delf Chiwoo also.

Just bored..

ignore me….

ROCK @__@

Sorry for not posting for a while. Have been working on adjusting to the US time, and an commission, and tax returns, etc etc etc ……

Rock has been repainted. Once again, I screwed up his hair during hair-cutting. So, a row of deep blue hair is added to hide my mistake….. :mrgreen:


and ….. I broke his foot…… 😥 Crazy Glue doesn’t work… Now two of my male dolls have broken foot…… 😥