Violet, Iris and Lusis



Doesn’t seem to be much different from the old Violet….. but … yea~~ at least one less faceless heads laying around.  😆



Previously Natashia.  Now with new big boob body and new outfits.  Totally Irish-ish, so she wants to be called “Iris” now.



Obitsu 23 cm head on Momoko body.  23cm head has a bigger neckhole, so can fit on the momoko body.  I quite like the porportion too.  She is 15-16 teenage girls.  Yes, painted to look like Unoa Lusis (BJD) since her headmold kindof resembles Lusis’s.   She doesn’t quite like Lusis, … because I just can’t paint it…. 😥  … but anyway…. better than faceless ~  😆  She will have a sister,( yes… SIST) , later on.


4 Responses to “Violet, Iris and Lusis”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    New dolls again! 😀 Love Iris, so irish, did you make the costume too? Love her curly hair and lips. And Lusis is so sweet and innocent, I never tried that kind of head, is it difficult to paint?
    Got your mail and tracking n°, thank you!

  2. griffin2306 Says:

    ooh! lucky! where diya get a german oktober feast barbie out fit from? *jealous*

    awww, sophia’s looking down violet’s changed again. she’s now the last of her kind XD violet looks fantastic tho’…

    ooh! a momobitsu of a different kind!^^ she looks very kawaii! i dunno bjds but she looks great! oh yeah, i’m getting a sekiguchi momoko soon and i’m wondering how the body is like. *coughareviewwouldbenicecough* XD

  3. JanetT Says:

    Awwww! They’re all so lovely! Lusis is such a cutie! Your girls always come out so different — with such personality for each one. ::sighs….::

  4. kydolls Says:

    THANK YOU GUYS!!! 🙂 No I didn’t make the costume. It is from a Barbie doll that I got from KB Toys (on sale). Took the outfit, and the Barbie is wearing something else XD

    23 cm head is harder to paint (for me)…. the hardest part is to get the eyes balanced (and not too big, not too high, and not too low). :mrgreen: It’s very good for younger charactors (girls, boys, kids) but I have seen mature ladies painted from this head too.

    yes Violet is changed again ;^^; (my strange habit of continuous repainting dolls) Still has some faceless heads laying around ….

    Every doll has his/her personality, you just need to put in your own imagination and try out different hairstyle, outfits, accessories etc and they would suddenly come together ! 🙂

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