Sist!! ^_^

She turns out nice (even though she doesn’t really resemble Unoa Sist in any ways) and cool. :mrgreen:


want anything Volks? CLOSED.


ORDER HAS BEEN PLACED.  THE FOLLOWINGS ARE THE TOTALS (Include shipping from Volks to me and shipping from me to you and paypal fee if applicable)

KIZZYCHAN: $32.4 ($24+ 3.87 volks shipping + 4.53 italy shipping and paypal)
Bianca: $11  ($9 + 1.45 volks shipping + 0.55 first class mail)

Sounds okay?  🙂

Anyone interested? I really don’t need anything right now *but want a lot of things :P* but if anyone have something to purchase from VolksUSA (please click on “add to shopping cart” to check availability) please feel free to post here. If more join in, I can do a mini group order. If your items total over $50, I would like to have payment before ordering (ah~~~ X’mas coming = no moneyT__T) 🙂

CY Girls Cutie Honey repaint


Just trying out… CY girl heads are usually expensive so I won’t have many. Have two more in progress. If I can get more CY girl heads “cheap-ly”, I can try more. (yes I am making up words ….)  :mrgreen:
CY girl heads are hard vinyl (like Barbie and Momoko heads) and harder to paint because acrylic doesn’t stick to them too well (need a lot of thin layers). I still prefer soft vinyl heads more (or maybe I am more used to them). 🙂 However, can’t resist the realistic shape of all the heads … (yes I am a sucker of realistic faces).

Anyway… :mrgreen:

Round Eyes Girls

Painted two more dolls for myself. 🙂


I am still thinking about the name for the first short-hair girl. She has Obitsu 04 head on Volks Neo-EB female body. I don’t have many short-hair girl, so I cut her hair short.

The second girl with dark brown hair is Miko — sleeping Miko’s sister — who used to be Shrine Maiden girl, then became School Girl for a while, then became a Chinese girl with different eyes, and now back to School Girl with yet another different eyes(hope that’s the last Identity change for her). *poor doll…. *

Also, after trying on a couple of girls without much satisfaction, I finally found the rightful owner of this Momoko gorgeous outfit:


I think Naomi looks PERFECT in this outfit. *happy dance* Have been trying tons of outfits and still not happy with those. Now my life is completed. 🙂

Also… another outfit found its rightful owner again:


Suitable for her unique hairstyle. 🙂

Finally, (promise this is the last), Violet also gets a suitable outfit for her gentle and cute style:



Hot Pepper and Black Pearl



Another two girls finding new homes.

Some changes

I updated my doll’s collection in the blog.  Each doll now has one photo with their information inside.  I call it “profile”  but actually it look like … Id tags…. (or dog tag) …. or game cards ….. or similar…………………………..   😛

I also deleted the “photobucket–old photo” link and added “photobucket — private collection” link.  My doll’s photos would be in the Private collection link.

I don’t know if it’s better or worst…… just …. don’t really want to paint dolls so I am doing something else.  :mrgreen:

I think I am almost done with all the dolls that I want to sell on ebay (just one more to change lips).  So… would be painting my own dolls , and one commission (because I promised her a while ago).

Anyway…. 🙂    so far so good.

Coconut and Sunshine

I repainted the old Sunshine and rename her as “Coconut”. 🙂


I have a new doll. Long story — she was originally for ebay….got a fur wig for her.. then decided to root her……. but then don’t have enough hair (that’s why she has 3 colors hair and she is wearing a hat 😛 ) ………. then the Barbie outfit also stained her white skin big boob body …. etc etc etc …. — so she is now joining my other female dolls and … her name is Sunshine *point to her lovely Takara outfits*. *sigh* unlucky girl got stuck with me …. 😦 I think I painted her well and especially like her eyes. 🙂


Also got a GORGEOUS Naomi off ebay — normally I don’t like Naomi that much but she is just way too gorgeous to pass on. 🙂


… so far for today.

And… no auction this week. Maybe next week. 🙂

Sephiroth and Red Devil


I have been delaying putting Sephiroth on ebay … because I think he is not very good 🙄 Outfit is not quite the same, … hair is not quite the same…., face is okay, I guess *shrug shoulder* …….. anyway…. hope you like him, Bianca. 🙂

I like Red Devil. I think she is real cool. And probably the best Obitsu 03 head that I have painted so far. And she will be the last also. (another white hair head — got into an eyehole experiment and finally got herself destroyed… sorry ) I don’t have any plan to paint more Obitsu 03 head at this moment (and don’t really have more 03 head too 😛 ) .

Have been SLOOOWLY painting heads now. Don’t quite have any *GOOD* ideas on what to make/paint. …. probably would be selling on ebay until November/December and would stop after that (and winter/snow would be here at that time, greatly hindering picture-taking and post-office-going activities). When I have new ideas (hunting for inspiration), will make/paint them and offer them on ebay. 🙂

I am now in love ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ with painting Volks Neo-Go 03 ladies :mrgreen: They really can look quite good as females… 🙂

Hazel new images in Parabox Japan site


o boy o boy o boy o boy

so cute so cute so cute so cute so cute

want want want want want want!!!

*start counting coins*

Posted in BJD. 4 Comments »

Asian Gothic Lady and Miss Vampire


Ah~~~ yes…. I turned Smile of Victory(a previously unsold Obitsu 03 head) into a vampire…. 😯 The story is —- first I was going to just reroot her, giving her silver hair; then tried to give her new lips color because the old one is not very good; then she was not smiling anymore because of the lip repaints; then I just repainted her whole face to match the lip color; then …(memory loss here) … after a while … then she came out to be a Vampire after that… 🙄 😆

Asian Gothic Lady was originally an asian princess in ancient China (like the Empress in the “Curse of Golden Flower” movie)…. then I tried to make a dress from Chinese silky fabric and it fayed so much… so I finally gave up and made her into a Gothic lady. 😛
Hmmmm…. dolls just don’t come out the ways you want ….. 🙄