Asian Gothic Lady and Miss Vampire


Ah~~~ yes…. I turned Smile of Victory(a previously unsold Obitsu 03 head) into a vampire…. 😯 The story is —- first I was going to just reroot her, giving her silver hair; then tried to give her new lips color because the old one is not very good; then she was not smiling anymore because of the lip repaints; then I just repainted her whole face to match the lip color; then …(memory loss here) … after a while … then she came out to be a Vampire after that… πŸ™„ πŸ˜†

Asian Gothic Lady was originally an asian princess in ancient China (like the Empress in the “Curse of Golden Flower” movie)…. then I tried to make a dress from Chinese silky fabric and it fayed so much… so I finally gave up and made her into a Gothic lady. πŸ˜›
Hmmmm…. dolls just don’t come out the ways you want ….. πŸ™„

9 Responses to “Asian Gothic Lady and Miss Vampire”

  1. Emory Says:

    wowowow more beautiful dolls from KY! Some of my forum regulars were in chat tonight, talking about how wonderful your latest auction doll is!

    oh! side note, we got in the 21HD-F01’s and F02’s…the 21/23cm heads that I believe Mamachap is using in their latest. updating the website in a few minutes. I don’t *think* they’re really your style, but thought I would let you know anyways πŸ™‚

    WE MISS YOU, you need to come to the junkyspot forums some times and promote your latest auctions there! πŸ˜€

  2. griffin2306 Says:

    ooh, cool dolliehs~! *grabby hands* your stuff is so awesomy…

    oh yeah, the stuff came yesterday~! my guys look so much better with new feet~!

  3. kydolls Says:

    HI EMORY!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! πŸ™‚ The new heads are CUTE!!! I like cute dollies … @_@…. THANKS for letting me know and definitely would get one. πŸ˜€

    Heehee…. actually I always log in as secret members (anonymous) :mrgreen: most of the time I don’t know what to say, so didn’t post. But once in a while when I see some gorgeous creations of other members I would. πŸ™‚

    AH~~ Griffin2306: glad the package arrive safe and sound and quite fast too!! πŸ™‚ The feet are so much better than the “banana” feet but I am just too lazy to change them (and they are always out-of-stock 😦 )

  4. Bianca Says:

    When is Sepiroth going to be up?

  5. kydolls Says:

    :mrgreen: Next week actually. Sorry about the loooong wait….

  6. Kizzychan Says:

    Hi Ky, got the parcel yesterday and I sent you an email. Hope you got it! And you’re right ‘dolls just don’t come out the ways you want’ most of the times… I’ve no total control on how a doll should come up…
    Asian gothic lady is very unique! A different way, instead of the ‘gothic lolita’ look, you’re very innovative! πŸ˜‰

  7. kydolls Says:

    HEY THANKS KIZZYCHAN!! Glad that you got the package!! πŸ˜€ Didn’t get your mail yet. THANKS for your comment about Asian Gothic Lady. :mrgreen:

  8. Kizzychan Says:

    Oh damn, I just tried to re-send the mail, hope you get it!
    Gothic Lady is so unique…!

  9. Bianca Says:

    no problem just curious πŸ™‚

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