Sephiroth and Red Devil


I have been delaying putting Sephiroth on ebay … because I think he is not very good 🙄 Outfit is not quite the same, … hair is not quite the same…., face is okay, I guess *shrug shoulder* …….. anyway…. hope you like him, Bianca. 🙂

I like Red Devil. I think she is real cool. And probably the best Obitsu 03 head that I have painted so far. And she will be the last also. (another white hair head — got into an eyehole experiment and finally got herself destroyed… sorry ) I don’t have any plan to paint more Obitsu 03 head at this moment (and don’t really have more 03 head too 😛 ) .

Have been SLOOOWLY painting heads now. Don’t quite have any *GOOD* ideas on what to make/paint. …. probably would be selling on ebay until November/December and would stop after that (and winter/snow would be here at that time, greatly hindering picture-taking and post-office-going activities). When I have new ideas (hunting for inspiration), will make/paint them and offer them on ebay. 🙂

I am now in love ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ with painting Volks Neo-Go 03 ladies :mrgreen: They really can look quite good as females… 🙂

10 Responses to “Sephiroth and Red Devil”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    OMG! Sephiroth must have took a lot of time! The outfit, the painted hands… cool! I’m not into videogames and so I don’t know well exactly how Sephiroth looks, but it seems quite like the original, I think. Surely he’ll go for high bids $$$$$!!!
    Red Devil is also cool, it’s a pity I’m not a fan of Obitsu 03 female heads…

  2. kydolls Says:

    THANKS Kizzychan! :-> hope so (because I need to save up for the new Henzel boy!!) :mrgreen:

    I like Obitsu 03 heads and Volks Neo-Go 03 heads. 🙂

  3. shaokahncat Says:

    OMG! I love red devil!

  4. kydolls Says:

    THANKS SKC!! 🙂

  5. corvinus Says:

    If I had the cash, I’d totally try for Red Devil, she’s so pretty. I’ve always been nervous about using the 03 head because of the larger bottom lip, but you do an amazing job. 😀

    Sephiroth also looks good. Are those painted hands or gloves?

  6. kydolls Says:

    THANKS Corvinus. 🙂 the lips are the tricky part — can be very pretty, or can be very ugly. Need to try out different colors, different shape to “get a feel”. 🙂

    Sephiroth has painted hands. 😀

  7. JanetT Says:

    Oooh! Nice job with Sephiroth! (his costume is a complex one, with the armor and all that black leather…) Good job on the hands! It does add nicely to the effect to have the gloves on him (I will have to remember that — I did a pair of Obitsu slim male hands that way once).

    (Tifa is nagging me to make HER costume now. It’s always something…. )

    I like Red Devil too. I love the shape of the W-3 head, but it is tricky to paint (well, I think they’re all tricky to paint, really! especially the lips. I always have trouble on lips…) Of course, most of my W-3s are boys….

  8. kydolls Says:

    THANKS JANETT!! 😀 …. the costume is …. okay… I think… I still like painting dolls more … 😆 but sometimes a doll just have to have a proper outfits to complete the look and that’s the only time I would make the outfits. Otherwise… –> *wave hands to Mattel Barbie/Azone/Volks/Takara Jenny outfits* :mrgreen:

    Tifa would look nice in anything (of course she would look BEST in her original costume) since she is a pretty girl. When she is not in battles, she probably would dress differently. 🙂 Sephiroth is not. He just wear one outfit (or maybe two in another version)… all the time. 😀 😀

    Yes I like the shape of the W-3 heads. 🙂 If the lips are sanded down, they would look more natural. Why so … thick lips, Mr. Obitsu? 😕


    ^_^ i won RED DEVIL For 107.00

  10. kydolls Says:

    CONGRATS!! 😀 ^___^

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