Some changes

I updated my doll’s collection in the blog.  Each doll now has one photo with their information inside.  I call it “profile”  but actually it look like … Id tags…. (or dog tag) …. or game cards ….. or similar…………………………..   😛

I also deleted the “photobucket–old photo” link and added “photobucket — private collection” link.  My doll’s photos would be in the Private collection link.

I don’t know if it’s better or worst…… just …. don’t really want to paint dolls so I am doing something else.  :mrgreen:

I think I am almost done with all the dolls that I want to sell on ebay (just one more to change lips).  So… would be painting my own dolls , and one commission (because I promised her a while ago).

Anyway…. 🙂    so far so good.

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