Round Eyes Girls

Painted two more dolls for myself. 🙂


I am still thinking about the name for the first short-hair girl. She has Obitsu 04 head on Volks Neo-EB female body. I don’t have many short-hair girl, so I cut her hair short.

The second girl with dark brown hair is Miko — sleeping Miko’s sister — who used to be Shrine Maiden girl, then became School Girl for a while, then became a Chinese girl with different eyes, and now back to School Girl with yet another different eyes(hope that’s the last Identity change for her). *poor doll…. *

Also, after trying on a couple of girls without much satisfaction, I finally found the rightful owner of this Momoko gorgeous outfit:


I think Naomi looks PERFECT in this outfit. *happy dance* Have been trying tons of outfits and still not happy with those. Now my life is completed. 🙂

Also… another outfit found its rightful owner again:


Suitable for her unique hairstyle. 🙂

Finally, (promise this is the last), Violet also gets a suitable outfit for her gentle and cute style:



4 Responses to “Round Eyes Girls”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Love Violet and the still nameless girl! And she has frecles too! I’ll have to try freckles on some of my future female doll too…
    About the name, what do you think of Chibi? It means ‘little’ and somewhat cute in Japanese… As she’s really cute, I think it may fits her, I can’t do such cute girls… 😦 *envy*

  2. kydolls Says:

    THANKS KIZZYCHAN!! ^__^ YEs I tried some freckles. It’s not that hard, just dot randomly and lightly below the eyes.

    Chibi is a good name. I am also thinking about Yuna or Mocha….

    The name thinking process is so interesting… you think and think and think for weeks and still undecided, …. then suddenly one POPS OUT from nowhere while you are chewing up the hamburger….. so I am still waiting for that moment. 🙂

    Got to go… talk to you later!

  3. Kizzychan Says:

    Yes yes, sometimes finding names is a nightmare… as for me, I just look at the finished doll and then suddenly the name pops out, but sometimes I must look at them more till I find a right name… =_= and sometimes I’ve already the name ready and so I just have to make the right appropriate doll… 😉
    Btw, I think Yuna is a nice name! 🙂
    And I’ll try freckles too with one of my next gals…

  4. kydolls Says:

    I am bad at names….. wonder how others got so much wonderful and unique names for their dolls….. 😕 *start stealing names from others*

    Yes I like Yuna…. it is actually a name of my old friend. 🙂

    I sure think you can make some cute girls or boys 🙂 that’s a good change among all your cool/punk/fashionable girls/boys.

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