The WAR begins…


6 Responses to “The WAR begins…”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Ahah, too cute!! Poor boy… 😀 I shouldn’t want to be in his shoes… LOL Don’t you find a cute name for him??

  2. kydolls Says:

    😀 THANKS Kizzychan!! His name is …. err…. *cough* …. THE SILENT BOY….. XD XD yep…. he doesn’t talk much.
    He starts giving me the hatred look now…. after two days of his life here….

  3. JanetT Says:

    Poor kid…. now he’s going to want a Best Friend… and a puppy… and a tree-house so he and his friend can hide away from the girls…..

    It never ends. 🙂 He’s a cutie, though!

  4. kydolls Says:

    Ah~~~~ now the war between my paypal account and the Silent boy begins……

  5. skc Says:

    i wonder which girl gets him!

  6. kydolls Says:

    Ultimately…. the boy stick with another mini girl (guess who!) who is cute and wear similar outfits and holds a big fluffy doggie plush and has two long braids and is very nice and most importantly, she is very QUIET (especially after her older sister left to another home). XD

    so… have to make other mini boys for the Japanese girls later.


    *actually it’s just an excuse to buy more dolls to make… * >D

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