gone for a while

I will be rebuilding my website kydolls.com these days, so will be quite here for a while.

My weekly auction would also become monthly auction since I am … err…. really not painting much now…. ;^^;   …  but hopefully would be able to have one to two doll auctions every month. … 🙂

2 Responses to “gone for a while”

  1. griffin2306 Says:

    awwww, i really enjoy reading all your updates… ah well, a spiffy ssite to surf will be awesome too…

    oh yeah, the junk came today! my eb-c is so happy to get a matching body and sophia likes the slender body ^_^

    ooh, i’m almost too afraid to open the voks hair xD

  2. kydolls Says:

    Great! …. nothing beats a new matching body! ^__^
    yes… wait until you are ready to root to open the hair… or it would get all messy on your desk/table….. 🙂

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