Ryan the Golden boy

I repainted Ryan and he is now the Golden boy πŸ™‚ (because his eyes are gold/yellowish brown color)


Catherine got new outfit and I put her on BBI perfect body.


Wolf didn’t get anything last time when I ordered from Volks, and so this time he has everything……


Finally, Momoko 3:


yep…. after a few days of cloudy-rainy-depressing weather, we are having some warmer and sunnyshine here on Thanksgiving day.


10 Responses to “Ryan the Golden boy”

  1. corvinus Says:

    Ryan looks great and I love the others outfits. πŸ˜€ I have the same stuff Ryan does on one of mine minus the hat. Very spiff. ^^

  2. kydolls Says:

    Thanks! Yep the outfits are too nice to resist… I rarely buy a lot of WTG outfits but this Selfish line is just too good….

    Wooo~~ Your doll must look real good ~~~ ^_^

  3. corvinus Says:

    The Selfish line was really nice, I had to snap them up. ^_^

    He does, except I had to cut the sleeves off that shirt to get his jacket on. (I don’t know whether it’s because he was on an Obitsu body or it’s because the jacket sleeves were really tight) but I couldn’t get the jacket on over the coat without the sleeves bunching up so they had to go. It’s not noticeable though. ^_^;

  4. kydolls Says:

    o wow! But as long as the Jacket goes on, it’s all okay. ^__^ I didn’t buy the jacket so don’t know much about it. :mrgreen: Usually Jackets are big and baggy… or make the dolls look big and fat …So … I guess Volks have to make the Jackets tight enough to look good on dolls. πŸ™‚

  5. corvinus Says:

    The jacket is pretty baggy but the sleeves around the wrist was very tight and hard to tug on so it just pulled the sleeves up. (Unlike a human, it’s not like he can grab the sleeves of his shirt with his hands. XD) I guess Volks does, but it’s not noticeable and I don’t plan on removing his jacket so I don’t mind. He looks pretty sweet in it. ^_^

  6. kydolls Says:

    O, I see! ^__^ Yes dolls can’t grab the sleeves…. XD even if they do, I doubt the tight wrist would let the hands and sleeves pass thru… Anyway, as long as it makes the Jacket look cool, I would cut everything under it…. XD

  7. Kizzychan Says:

    Oh, some news again… new repainted dolls and clothes… I’m itching to get the Selfish ones I ordered! Catherine reminds me some Italian actress, I don’t know why…
    Ryan eyes’ color is very unique and goes on well with his blonde hair. πŸ™‚
    Did you reroot Momoko’s hair?? I don’t remember any Momoko with red hair… ? Very sweet! The clothes are her original ones?

  8. usyagi Says:

    About the tight sleeves of the jacket, will pulling out the forearm first help? I sometimes dress my dolls buy “crippling” them first… Easy to do with Obitsu or Neo-Go, not that easy with female Volks. Tie a rubber band at the cuff and pull the sleeve through the jacket may also help. I can’t imagine how tight is that jacket. I want to buy the long coat in the selfish line, but it is already sold out on the Volks Japan site. I didn’t see it on the US site.

  9. corvinus Says:

    The long coat is the one I bought and it seemed quite tight on the wrists for me. I guess I’ll keep the idea of crippling a doll next time I have a clothing item that won’t fit properly. I did that for another doll once with a tight leather item but it totally didn’t cross my mind to attempt it with the shirt and jacket combo. ^_^;

  10. kydolls Says:

    THANKS Kizzychan! Catherine is *supposed* to look like Catherine-Zeta-Jones…. ;^^; Not very much resemblance …..

    Yes I rerooted Momoko again — the third time… she is originally the Summer….??? Momoko with curly hair. Given to me as a trade and she was already rerooted by her first owner at that time. Then I rerooted her with deep brown (too blacky), then changed to silver(looks too old), then finally cransberry (just right now). @__@ Poor momoko head got so many reroots… πŸ˜€ I would not reroot her again because some part of her head is having a crack now…

    Clothes are from Takara. The newest release and I adore this outfit. πŸ™‚ Still available on ebay by some sellers now.

    Ah~~~ rubber bands save the … sleeves!! XD

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