double trouble


They are twins. Just want to challenge myself by painting a male and a female with the same head. ^__ ^ The boy probably would not be getting as much attention as his twin sister… but I want a sneaky, trouble-making, and wicked boy this time. 👿 I probably would have another pair early next year — Angel and Devil — one male head and one female head. So…. my advice is …… 😯 Watch out!! 👿 👿

4 Responses to “double trouble”

  1. skc(laura) Says:

    I’m very sure he’ll sell …:) i love that red hair girl,i’m so lucky to have bought her!

  2. skc(laura) Says:

    oh and,cant wait for your other dollies!

  3. Kizzychan Says:

    They’re simply gorgeous! Good idea to use the same head mold for both: I made twins too, but I used different heads, you know… I’m sure they’ll sell well in the auction! 🙂

  4. kydolls Says:

    THANKS GUYS! Seems like the boy is still here … ;^^; … anyway, if he doesn’t sell, I would repaint him and use his body for another boy. ^_^

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