
I have an extra Obitsu slim male body that I forgot to sell last time…. so after switching with Owl’s body, here’s Howard


a young boy.


Owl is very upset about loosing his Volks body…. (even thought I think Obitsu slim male is more suitable for him)…  😦  … well… life is full of ups and downs….*shrug shoulder*  ….

7 Responses to “Howard”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Howard seems so serious… I hope isn’t because Owl is angry with him because he ‘stole’ his body… :PP
    He’s handsome and has a nice hairstyle… 🙂 did you added some hair on his forehead?

  2. kydolls Says:

    Thanks Kizzychan! Yes he is serious-looking…. I like this type of eyes.
    No I didn’t add any hair. Just “move” some hair to the opposite side and use hot water to set. A lot of Japanese artists are doing this to the center-parted Obitsu heads for more hairstyle variations. 🙂 He is being “watched” by Owl now,… day and night…. and he asked me for a pistol for protection but I don’t have any…. *shrug shoulder again* ….

  3. Hikaru132 Says:

    AWESOME! ^_^ He looks nice!

  4. kydolls Says:

    THANKS Hikaru132! 🙂

  5. JanetT Says:

    ooooh, he’s a cutie!

    You’ll have to explain to Owl that there are definite advantages to the Obitsu slim male body — being able to pose in cool kung-fu stances on one foot (at least with the magnet feet), and easier hand swaps, not to mention stronger joints to hold poses (and props!). The engineering is just better all around on Obitsu bodies (though the Volks NeoGo does have a really nice chest, I must admit….).

  6. kydolls Says:

    LOL yes yes !! he can definitely hold a gun tightly and point towards Howard, holding that same pose and scare Howard 24/7 for a whole year ….. (luckily I don’t have any gun for dolls so Howard is temporarily safe) … 😀

  7. Hikaru132 Says:


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