Little Miss Trouble

Please meet Little Miss Trouble.


She used to be Little Mai.   She is spoiled by her mother,Mai (who happily moved to a new home about a year go) right from the beginning.   After her mom left,  KY  continued to spoil her like an ancient Japanese princess.  She even had a full facial makeover just to look more mature.  Getting bored again, she requested another makeoverand a name change.  Now she is Little Miss Trouble.  Hair was let down.  She is wearing Azone 23cm tee and a Takara school girl skirt.  She wants anything cute, so she steals Barbie’s purse.   She is making a 2-page Azone pure neemo’s outfit “must-have” list for KY.


She complains a lot about not able to sit down and to move arms and legs.     so…. another list for every single optional part for Pure Neemo body…..and every new release bodies  for her to try.


The morale of the story is:


6 Responses to “Little Miss Trouble”

  1. John Says:

    but– but– spoiling your doll is the best-worst part! ^^

    she looks adorable as usual and as usual my dolls are envious.

    lols, instead of buying all the nemo body parts, i would wait for teh obitsu 25cm body to come out lawls. would be much moar posable!

    (btw, welcome back to your blog ^^ if you get teh chance, look at my shiny new flickr account ^_^)

  2. kydolls Says:

    O Yes! the new Obitsu 25cm! They look really nice on the website. One day would be trying one and make a twin for Little Miss Trouble. XD
    I only like the cute chubby-looking knees of the Pure Neemo. Nothing else….. or maybe the cute-looking hands too. Anyway, it’s very hard to get a Pure Neemo body now so I won’t bother paying a lot for another one. Just wait for the Obitsu one. 🙂

    *go look at your flickr account! * 🙂

  3. Kizzychan Says:

    She is soo lovely and yes, go for Obitsu 25 cm body when available here… Pure Neemo body may be appealing to see but the joints… :/ I like super jointed bodies, so I don’t think I’ll never own one…

  4. kydolls Says:

    THANKS Kizzychan!
    I don’t like the lack of mobility too, but since my dolls just stand on the shelf most of the time, so I guess I can take one or two Pure Neemo bodies. Otherwise, jointed bodies are always the best! 🙂

  5. hikaru132 Says:

    HAHAHA! 😀 AWW! She’s cute it would be hard to not spoil her! >.<

  6. kydolls Says:

    THANKS Hikaru132!! 🙂 all doll-owners have the never-ending-spoiling their dolls symptoms….. XD

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