
She is Andrea.  Teenage girl attending high school.   Second girl in her family.  Her older sister is Ashley, who disappeared suddenly because Mom (me… KY) wanted a makeover for her, but then couldn’t paint a good one, then Mom got angry about Ashley’s body whose knee fell out everytime…. then finally Ashley disappeared…. Mom promised to make another one using another head and another body…. XD  ANyway, …. Andrea has an older sister, Ashley, who is working and Andrea has a little sister, Adrianna, who is still in middle school, but Adrianna doesn’t have a body yet, because Mom hasn’t ordered the new 25cm bodies yet…. and so on …. and so on….


So… Andrea is still by herself and is still waiting to be united with her family. 

** For some reason, firefox doesn’t allow me to post new posts in the blog…. so have to use Explorer  😡 **




Here’s a new boy and I am still thinking about his name. 


4 Responses to “Andrea”

  1. Kizzychan Says:

    Finally new dolls from you! 🙂 Andrea is soo sweet and cute, love her lips and expression! I hope she can get soon the rest of her family… And did you know Andrea (=Andrew) is a male name in Italian? Funny uh?
    And the boy… is your first Go guy #2 head? Can’t remember…
    Nice short hairstyle… I’m too afraid to cut hair so short… Did you find the name?
    P.s. got your mail, will answer next days…

  2. kydolls Says:

    THANKS Kizzychan! 😀 Andrea is a male name? 😯 Maybe it works for both female and male, like Carol, Ashley, Jacky,..etc. The boy is my second 02 head. The first is red hair with black highlights and always wear the big black long coat and looks like a secret agent or killer. This one is actually his younger brother, a normal ordinary guy…. 😀 I always like short hair guy for myself… because I am too old for long hair boys 😆 Still no clue about both 02 heads’ names… always wonder how others come up with cool names … *envy*

  3. Kizzychan Says:

    Yes, Andrea is a male name here… and I didn’t know that Carol was a male name too! O_o Your 2nd Neo guy go head #2? Looks so cool, and I’m wondering on how his older brother can be a secret agent… do you plan to create some spy story? It would be interesting… I’d like to suggest some names, but I can’t find right ones now… 😦
    Never being too old for cute long hair boys, ahah 😀 ;P

  4. kydolls Says:

    Andrea is probably more of a girl name here… so does Carol. Carol can also be a boy’s name, … but very few boys (or very few parents) choose that name. XD

    The older brother always wears the Triad Toys long black coat, so he naturally became a secret agent 😆 No I don’t have a spy story…. just that rarely a normal person would wear a big black long leather coat and walk around the street except secret agents in movies 😆 *think about Matrix, X-File, Mission Impossible etc.* Anything abnormal here in my doll shelf belongs to the secret agent category. 😆
    Cute long hair boys….. 🙄 …. Inuyasha, Ranma, and Howl…… XD

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