Smilies in Yahoo Mail

I always want to add all those cute smilies showing different expressions while doing emails. Finally I have free time (don’t want to paint) so I play around and figure out how to add these to my email.

  • log in yahoo email account
  • go to Options (upper right hand corner) — Mail
  • go to General Preferences under management colume
  • under COMPOSING EMAIL section, change to “compose messages as color and graphics”
  • save

then there would be a button to add smilies while you are typing emails. :mrgreen: 😎 isn’t it?

Now I don’t have to type these: ^___^ >__< T____T ;_____; ^____~ *______* O____o O__O =____= ;^^; %__% $___$ #___#-@___@ !___! ~___~`__` &__&  etc etc etc etc etc

Wake Up Call

These days, I am waiting up at 7:15am…

because school started on Wednesday.

When your kid has to catch school bus around 8:00am,

it is better to wake up early to prepare yourself and your kid and make simple breakfast and coffees (for mom and dad only) and send her off to school-bus….
if Mon ~ Fri you have to wake up early, it would be better to wake up early on Sat and Sun as well (your internal clock would do that automatically anyway) so Monday would not be too painful …

so bye bye ~~ days to sleep until 8 or 9…. 😥
*sleepily typing this post* =_= zzzz

Barbie Fashions

Seems like the new Fall Barbie Fashion Fever has been out!!  Will be looking for them in various stores later on.  The outfit set (usually sold at $4.99) is now selling on ebay for ….. $13.99 + up. 😐 There are also the combination outfits set (three sets in one) availble.  I will try my luck at Wal-Mart, or ToyRus, or KB toys first.

Barbie outfits doesn’t appeal to me much.  They are too feminie for me. I like outfits that are boyish and cool (punk syle, lolita style are always my favorite).  I also like outfits that are special, like those Azone outfits (cat girl, fairies of darkness, working maid dresses, Chinese QiPao, etc etc etc).  Azone outfits are hard to find, since HobbyLink Japan is always out-of-stock.  (have been waiting for one JerryBean dress for months….)  A lot of time, Azone outfits are too expensive ($30+ish for one set).    😥 Wish I can make outfits by myself.  I used to sew outfits for Jenny, and have 5-6 Jenny dress books.  But since the birth of my second daughter, I have not touched the sewing machine.  I still don’t want to take it out, because the sharp needles are not for little grabby curious hands.  Will have to wait three more years until my second daughter go to first grade. But then I would want to find a part-time job and won’t have time to sew……

Anyway, just babbling because I am really bored these days.  It’s the end of summer vacation, and from next week onwards, I have to go to bed earlier (have to wake up earlier) so would have less time to paint.  Alas…. but School is good.  At least my older daughter (6 years old) doesn’t have to sit at home all day doing nothing…….

haha….still babbling…….. please excuse me…….

Yahoo Mail Problem >__

I sent three messages about the insurance of my Kiss doll on Ebay and have ebay send a copy to my yahoo mail account….

BUT GUESS WHAT!! I received NOTHING!!! NOTHING!!!! I got worried, then checked my ebay account and realized that the seller had responded all three messages on my message board……

#$#@!@#$%!@$$% to YAHOO MAIL >-( 😡

Howl’s moving castle

Saw that movie finally!!! It’s amazing. Just like most of the audience out there, I love Howl. Maybe I am strange, but I like his navy hair version more than his blond hair version.

I also bought the film comic on ebay, and after 15 days of waiting after payment :mad::mad:, they finally arrives today. Still need to read more and understand the whole thing. One day, I am going to buy the original book. 👿 But Howl is a womanizer originally, so…. I don’t know if I would like the original.

Maybe I can make a Howl doll using Volks EB-N body and Volks A head (or the head that comes with Beauty body with has longer face and pointy chins) 😈


I am Back !! ^__^

The trip to SF is ….. boring most of the time, because….. it was RAINING almost ALL WEEK!!! >-(

One thing I got out from this trip is:

🙂 I am going to spend more time on my daughters, my family and less time on dolls, forums, and others. 🙂 Yeah…. I guess life is more than dolls. Even though I love making and collecting dolls very much, I am NOT going to let them take over my life. They will forever be my Hobby only. When my family needs me, I should be there for them, not making dolls.


I was without dolls, doll-making materials, doll-related magazines, internet to look at ebay dollfie/fashion dolls/Taraka doll auctions/ yahoo japan auctions/ lunar ark/junkyspot/denofangels/ etc etc etc… for one whole week and……

I FELT FINE!! Felt really really relaxed, and enjoyed being with family and relatives.

Happy. 🙂


Vacation this coming Saturaday!! 🙂
*cough**cough* ….. not really a vacation, just going back to San Francisco to visit my mother-in-law, tons of relatives from my husband's side, and maybe some old friends of ours from college.

It's going to be rainy in SF next week, and cold, and cold, and cold. Would probably have some dinner commitments for friends and relatives. 😦 Just hope my younger one (almost 3 years old) would behave better (very highly unlikely)…..


New Blog

Got into WordPress and get a blog so I can put my posts into different cateogories!  (crazy me. )

I am….


After 5-6 hours of rehab (i.e. sitting on computer desk and reconstructing the website), I am fine now.

Hope it would not strike again in the near future.

Side-Effect : please visit my new reconstructed website. 🙂

Where is KY?

In case you may wonder ….

I am doing cross-stitches all the time…:)

occassionally checking emails and updating my site…. 🙂

occassionally checking Ebay OOAK fashion doll auctions and see if there are any gorgeous male/female dolls by Josephine and Sweet marbles…. 🙂

That’s is….

*off to do cross-stitchses again…*